Blog Posts
Unfortunately, I didn’t manage any blog posts, but there has been a lot going on ;)
It feels like the main theme in October was either “organizing” or “computer work”. But wait… there were also two milestones in sewing projects:

And the second is a finished flimsy: Throwing Stars started at QuiltCon 2020, Austin. Progress was made just for the fun of sewing. It was my “get into the mood” project during my vacation week ;)
But with the last week in October being a vacating week, I truly did make a lot of progress on the organizing, planning & writing front.

We started round three of the German Adventskalender Swap. I am excited to sew the small gift for my partner and to start finding all the lovely gifts and pack them into small boxes.

And a good chunk of time went into getting my next pattern into the final draft stage and out to testers. I even set up a new pattern testing page. Though pattern testing is closed for this pattern, sorry, you can find sneak peeks there ;)
I am planning for pattern release in the first week(s) of December. So excited!
Plus behind the scenes, I am currently working on getting a blog advent calendar set up. You know how much I love them and I thought you all would love to have one too :)
PS: Still looking for collaborations in case you are interested.
Fabric Tracking
In short: Nothing new to report on the fabric tracking front.
The topic I am reading the most about – besides quilting – is minimalism. So I thought I will put my best reads from this month in here in case you are interested too :)
Have you ever heard the term Present Bias? This is a well-written article explaining the concept which basically means the tendency to rather settle for a smaller present reward than to wait for a larger future reward. It also gives you ideas on how to overcome it.
The second article is about decluttering kids stuff. As you might know, I do not have any, but I often enjoy the articles for insights into my friends’ lives and their kids ;) This time I found this section very profound:
“All of life consists inside boundaries. We have limited space, money, time, energy, attention, even days that we are given. Life, essentially, is about choosing what goes inside those boundaries and what does not. In fact, when you think about it, adults who don’t live within boundaries are the ones who end up struggling the most.”
Personal Life
For birthdays and Christmases, I tend to gift my Dad something we can do together. This year I picked visiting the Hamburg Museum of Illusions followed by some Italian dining. We had a lot of fun!
I hope you enjoyed my recap of the month and the extra insides into what is happening over here.
Best wishes
xo Melanie
So ein schöner Report für den Oktober;)
Congratulations on the two milestones. One light and one so bright but both lovely. Thank you for sharing fun pictures with your family. It is the best we can do till we meet again. I hope to join in the Advent Blog Hop. I am new to the concept but I hope I can learn quickly :-) Big Squishy Hugs.