I am excited to announce my third Sew Along!
All the Diagonals was my first pattern – released in 2020 just shortly after the pandemic hit. It might have been the best time for a Sew Along. A great chance to get our minds off how things were back then. But either I was too stressed out myself or I just didn’t consider it. As I am now launching my first translation into German, this is a great chance to remedy the missing Sew Along!
I asked you all what kind of a Sew Along you preferred and the vote was for a relaxed and easygoing one. And here you have it :)
We will follow a leisurely schedule. Though you can also sew faster if that is your jam. All the details are below.
There will be prizes, so read to the end :)
The Pattern
All the Diagonals is my quilty take on the mathematical question called „Polygon Division Problem“:
„In how many ways can a regular polygon be divided into triangles if different orientations are counted separately?“
As hexagons are already a very common quilt block form, I decided to use a heptagon. And the answer for this seven-sided polygon is: 42. You might notice that this number is also famous elsewhere :)
You will need the All the Diagonals pattern from my shop where you can also find lots more details and additional pictures. The English version is already available. The German version will be released ~ August 26.
But you can already pre-order the German version. Until the final release you will receive a partial file including the basic information, the mock-ups, and all coloring sheets so that you can start planning your quilt. Once the pattern is released, you will automatically receive an email with a link to download the full file.
The price is 12$ but there will be a special 20% discount code for subscribers to the Sew Along newsletter.
The Basics
The All the Diagonals Sew Along will be seven weeks long. You will find a weekly post here on my blog. I will also send a newsletter reminder so you won’t miss anything! Yet another reason to sign up ;)
If you are posting on Instagram please use the correct pattern hashtag #mm_allthediagonals. Due to current changes with the hashtag feeds, please also tag me directly @mellmeyer.
Sep 2 – Oct 21
7 weeks
More Details
Are you a planning nerd like me? Or just want a bit more information? I have got you covered:
Week 0 – Sep 2
Week 1 – Sep 9
Week 2 – Sep 16
Week 3 – Sep 23
Week 4 – Sep 30
Week 5 – Oct 7
Sew ¼ of the blocks
Week 6 – Oct 14
Finish Top
Week 7 – Oct 21
Catch-Up & Link-Up
Who doesn’t love the chance to win something?
If you finish a top or at least the 42 blocks during the Sew Along you are eligible to win a prize! How to enter will be detailed in the week 7 blog post. And then we all put on some happy music, get our streamers ready, and dance around ;)
Most likely I will also throw one of my patterns and maybe even another homemade Charm Pack in the mix…
I hope every bit of information that you need, is here. Otherwise don’t hesitate to leave me a comment. I am already very excited and hope we will have lots of fun!
And did you remember to sign up for the newsletter?
Best wishes
xo Melanie