As I recently said in my newsletter, my perception of time is really strange this year. I know I welcomed February and now we are already through March but on the other hand, I could swear it is still the end of January.
However, I am happy that the days are getting longer and the sun is coming out more often. Can anyone relate?
I have been struggling with some health issues and when I was “working” I was busy behind the scenes. So let’s look at a summary of the last quarter.
Checking In
2024 Goals
Sewing goals for 2024
mellmeyer.de goals for 2024
I made progress on four WIPs of which I finished one: Halloween Plaid-ish. Two others “just” need binding and one is in the quilting stage. I also started one new project: My next pattern which I am currently calling Cabin Flower. I have not officially tallied my fabric numbers for the first quarter but I didn’t buy anything so it will be negative from the one finish.
My biggest progress was on the website. I added a home page and moved my shop here. I hope you will check it out :)
Additional goals for 2024
Personal goals for 2024
I picked a quarterly goal “apartment” but while I accomplished a few sub-tasks here, I did not finish as much as I had hoped. I am putting it down to my health and am considering what to do next. Should I add a month or quarter? Should I keep those tasks on my to-do list and pick a new “fun” goal for the next quarter to start fresh and keep with the “enjoy” theme?
On the topic of weight and fitness, I finally managed to cut refined sugar again. But just recently so no weight loss yet. And I tried a few styles of short workouts that I actually liked but no routine here yet.
To end on a positive note, I just booked a very cool summer vacation for my days off in September. My mom and I are visiting Malaga, Spain – for some sightseeing and pool/beach time. Thus, I have no extra savings yet but I am very happy to have a relaxing vacation planned to look forward to. It will be my first summer vacation in a while and I am excited!
So while there are not that many checkmarks on the list. I think I did pretty amazing considering my current health issues.
Best wishes,
xo Melanie
Linking up at
#2024QuiltingQ1CheckIn @ Quilting Jetgirl
Health issues can make it so hard to focus on anything else! Like you, I am very grateful for the longer, sunnier days. Congratulations on the progress you have made, and I hope that looking over your goals helps you feel confident in the decisions you make moving into Q2. Thanks so much for linking up!
So sorry for the health issues. That’s never fun!!! But a vacation (and looking forward to it) IS and I’m glad you have that on the books.