Pattern Testing
Your help is very welcome for the process of publishing a new pattern! I am always looking for a variety of skill levels and for different tasks. When testing opportunities are available, this page will be updated.
PS: I will also always make an announcement via newsletter and sometimes via Instagram. So make sure you are signed up and follow me ;)
Before applying, please read through the details below to make sure you understand what you are signing up for! If you have a question, send me an email.
Hopefully soon ready for testing …
Cabin Flower
Cabin Flower modernizes the log cabin block with a twist. Visually, the last round is added at an angle and includes fun geometric shapes while “rounding” out the square feeling of the block to the image of a flower.
The basic log cabin in the center is sewn traditionally The “petals” are constructed with FPP. Both elements add up to a 20″ finished block size and no sashing.
The deadline will depend on when I finish the final draft. After sending you the file, I would like you to be able to sew one test block within a two-week time frame.
With the short turnaround I am hoping for, I am “only” asking for one block this time. Not a full quilt.
You will receive a beta version and the final version of the pattern after the release. Your responsibilities include:
- Completion of a quilt block (or more) within the required time frame.
- A well-lit and clear picture of the block.
- Posting of the quilt block picture(s) at the release date.
- Permission to share these pictures eg. on my blog, Instagram, etc.
- Feedback. Including looking for typos, wording issues, readability, and layout suggestions. (American English)
Interested? Please send me an email and include your Instagram handle.
Feel free to leave me an extra message about your quilting and/or pattern testing experience, a color or fabric idea you have, or anything else you want to let me know ;)
It might take a bit if there is a lot of interest, but I will get back to you!