Pattern Corrections
Of course, every designer hopes that there are no errors in a pattern, that every spelling mistake was found, and that everything is written in an easily understandable way.
I make every effort to provide you with an accurate pattern. Unfortunately, even with testing and editing, things can slip through the cracks. This page lists known pattern inaccuracies. If you have a question or concern about a pattern, please don’t hesitate to send me an email!

All the Diagonals (English)
Corrections with Version 2 (V2):
A big upgrade to include a second colorway called “Rainbow”. It is a 12-fabric-gradation design and does not need to be rainbow-y. Included are mock-ups for all quilt sizes/layouts, instructions, and of course new templates for both block sizes. Sorting Help:
- Deleted: Additional Download “Fabric Sorting Pages”
- Added: “Piece Labels” as regular content
Layout Help:
- Deleted: Additional “Layout Diagrams”
- Added: “Layout Diagrams” as regular content including additional block order information
Visual Changes:
- Updated cover page.
- Changed to consistent 1/2, 1/4 (etc.) typography.
Corrections with Version 2.0.1
Compressed file size for easier transfer between your devices.
Corrections with Version 2.1
Page 25: Cutting Instructions: 12 Fabric Gradation “Rainbow” for 6 ½” Blocks
color red should read:
Cut (1) strip 9″ × WOF. Subcut into (2) 6″ pieces, (2) 4 ½” pieces, and (1) 4″ piece. Cut (1) strip 7 ½” × WOF. Subcut into (13) 3″ pieces.

All the Diagonals (German/Deutsch)
Korrekturen mit Version 1.1
Seite 26: Zuschnitt: 12 Stoffe Für Farbschema “Rainbow” Für 6 ½” Blöcke
für rot sollte es heißen:
Schneide (1) Streifen 9″ × WOF. Schneide (2) 6″ Stücke, (2) 4 ½” Stück und (1) 4″ Stück. Schneide (1) Streifen 7 ½” × WOF. Schneide (13) 3″ Stücke.

Modern Tiles
Corrections with Version 2 (V2):
Measurement correction for Pointy Triangle (B) when cutting background separately (not Mix & Match):
Pages 11 & 15 – correct size is 8″ × 4″
Corrections with Version 3 (V3):
The graphic of the block construction shows a different layout than my original pink-orange quilt. You can of course arrange the nine units however you like best. You could even arrange them differently in every block. The pattern testers mostly used the version on page 18.
Added page with the assembly graphic for the pink-orange version on page 19.