
It is that time of year again, where we are reviewing the old one. I already posted my “Best of 2021”. All the yummy pictures are in there. This is a bit more text heavy ;)

Personal Life

For me – as probably for most – 2021 was still influenced a lot by covid, making it again a bit like a roller coaster ride. But while I want to acknowledge all the ups and downs, I also know how overall blessed I am.

Starting spring relieved with coming come out of the covid winter wave 2020/2021 and with a vaccination on the horizon for early summer, I was very glad to put that anxiety behind. In summer with the lower case numbers and finally being fully vaccinated, it felt like an almost after covid time. Planning once again for the first out of state vacation – QuiltCon 2022 in Phoenix Arizona in the summer. *still-keeping-my-fingers-crossed*

I hoped for the booster shots rolling out fast, for a well prepared country after all the experience and now once again we are facing some “troubling” times. High case numbers, a new covid variant – so that even with that booster shot I feel the anxiety again. But I am also so so grateful that my family and friends are still healthy. And that the colleagues that did catch the bug are all on the mend. I am grateful for the privilege of having been able to work through all of this – even though it was a very tough work year for other reasons – I did not have to worry about financial obligations. And nonetheless it was and is sometimes trying – the discussions when different opinions collide, all the feelings, the uncertainties…

I just read about “Mame – The Exclamation Point Quilt”. Cheryl Arkison puts this covid roller coaster in such great words.

I am very proud that I finished therapy this year and though I still have bad days – I guess we all do – I am happy that so far I have been able to get out of the mud when necessary. Because I was not traveling, the highlights each month were family gatherings or get together’s with friends – for board games, for dinners or both ;) And of course my small sewing retreat with Christa @mrs_schnuff. I think that was THE best, can we repeat that ?!?

Now let’s take a peek at the high- or lowlights of the quilting world 2021 ;)



My sewing goals for 2021

  • Tackle all those old WIPs from before 2021.
  • Get the unwilling WIP list down to 3-6 projects
  • Start a habit tracker for daily sewing
  • Start Instagram post planning

I finished one very old WIP “Four Patch” and eight other quilts so far. The year is not totally done yet and I plan to still finish my Dec goal of pushing each project along some. Maybe I should focus on Meadowland over Christmas to squeeze one more in? Will definitely move this goal to the next list!

And the fighting with the WIP list continues. And on some days I could swear that the “from the universe approved number” is 12 and whatever I plan or set as goals – this is THE magic number nonetheless. Should I give up? I think I will give it one more year ;)

The sewing habit tracker was totally forgotten until the #2021MidYearCheckIn. Since I have been diligently tracking my sewing and non-sewing days. I could probably tell you my sewing rich month by the progress on WIPs or the amount of IG pictures posted as well, but I will keep doing it. Maybe my competitive personality will still set in and be motivated to get more “green” days. I am using HabitShare, in case you have been looking for a habit tracker too ;) I like the simple handling and the layout. I do not use any connections/friends functions.

The Instagram planning is a work in progress. But I have to admit it was better in the first half of the year. The last two month were so intense at work I did neither post much nor plan anything. I love it when I am more structured so new year, new chances?!

The pattern goals for 2021

  • Publish “Wonky Chevrons”
  • Publish “Modern Tiles”
  • Re-Publish “Charm Scrappy” as a pdf pattern
  • Publish another pattern in the second half

I did pretty good here. Wonky Chevrons is available as a free pattern in my shop as is Charm Scrappy. And Modern Tiles released in the first half as planned. I did not yet publish another pattern but I managed to finalize the design and now have to “only write it up”.

The more crazy goals for 2021

  • Finally figure out how to write a regular newsletter.
  • Learn designing repeat patterns to draw a fabric collection – just for fun.

I did learn a bit more about Illustrator during pattern designing. But I did not yet start any learning for the repeat patterns. The newsletter might not have gone out like clockwork but I did send a monthly version. Not getting it yet? Click here if you want to sign up. You will receive a mixture of what I have been up to, highlights from Instagram or the blog universe and the best coupon codes!

The personal growth goals for 2021

  • Finally get back to a normal weight and get into a fitter state.

Unfortunately a big “NO”. I had a bit of strengthening workouts in physical therapy, but since I have fallen of the wagon again. Eating sweets and being too lazy for workouts is still my kryptonite.


Goal Setting

My sewing goals for 2022
My sewing goals are staying the same. I still want to reduce them number of WIPs and especially finish the older ones. I will continue my habit tracking because it is so very easy and on normal days it is a bit of extra motivation ;) I am still unsure about the Instagram post planning task, but since I did not give it my all this year, I will try one more time. Maybe it is not for me? But I will only find out when doing it…

  • Tackle all the WIPs with a starting date before 2021.
  • Get the unwilling WIP list down to 3-6 projects
  • Continue habit tracking for daily sewing
  • Figure out Instagram post planning

The pattern goals for 2022
My idea is to release two patterns next year. I am also considering what kind of special extras I can give my newsletter subscribers and “Tubes” sounds like a good idea for that. And as much as I love a good sew along, they are also tremendously work intense. So while I am considering them for pattern releases… we will see.

  • Publish “Triangles” (planned for the first half of 2022)
  • Update all patters to matching typography, covers, style…
  • Publish another pattern in the second half
  • Publish “Tubes” as a special for newsletter subscribers
  • Host a sew along for pattern releases

The more crazy goals for 2022
Currently Instagram seems to be dominated by – aka the only way to get engagement is to post – video or Reel content including recording yourself for stories… I am so not happy about this new trend! I will try to incorporate more of those formats, but it feels like being forced – which I strongly dislike. But I will jump out of my comfort zone and do a – hopefully fun – recording for a podcast with Quilt Karussel (in German).

  • Record a podcast with Quilt Karussel
  • Reduce fabric stash*

*I already added fabric calculations to my Quilt Price Calculator to help with tracking used fabric. I will count fabric of finished quilts with that tool and subtract that number from bought or gifted fabrics. I am not aiming to destash totally but I want to be more conscious of using up existing fabric.

The personal growth goals for 2022

  • Finally get back to a normal weight and get into a fitter state.

Thank you for staying with me. If you haven’t already, check out the “Best of 2021” post with all the yummy pictures!

Excited to see what 2022 brings. Have a great slide over and I hope you all have a wonderful New Year!

Best wishes
xo Melanie

Linking up at
2022 Planning Party @ Quilting Jetgirl


  1. Boy you have big plans and I really admire that! Unfortunate about Covid….really felt like it was calming down for a while, but now, not so sure! Good luck with your ‘personal goal’ too! I was doing good but got off-track and need to get back on too!! And of course, wish you the best with your quilty and pattern goals!

  2. Congratulations on making the progress you did with your goals. Good luck with your goals for next year. I still need to get my blogpost written. I looked up the habit tracker app. That sounds like it could be very useful. Thanks

  3. I’m still crossing my fingers for QuiltCon in Phoenix, too; I guess we will just have to see how Omicron plays out. Balancing quilting with a full time job and the current stresses of our time is a lot, and I’m glad you are giving yourself. That said, it sounds like you’ve still accomplished a lot of your goals in 2021 and I wish you a lot of quilting joy as you work on your goals in 2022!

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