
It is the 3rd of August an I am finally able to take the time and write my #2022MidYearCheckIn. I want to roll my eyes but it is a good representation of what the last months have felt like. According to my accomplishments it could well be the beginning of March, for my feeling to be done with the chaos and have a new start, I’d say we have late November.

So What Was Going On Here?

Kitchen Remodeling
It started with a kitchen redo – planned November/December last year, I was lucky that even with delivery chains broken, the kitchen got installed Mid-February. But of course that meant clearing it out beforehand, cleaning away all the building dirt and afterwards pondering how to put everything back into the fewer and slightly differently arranged cabinets. But I was so excited afterwards! I am in love with this new look. Clean, minimalistic, light … Yum!

New Sewing Room Interior
So with the high of the new design I decided why not transfer that concept into the new sewing room Great idea but … remember delivery chains still unreliable? So, I ordered the new Ikea furniture way early to be on the safe side. I also found a constructor for new laminate flooring – but also days before the date my friends could help with set up. So my whole apartment was in total chaos for weeks. And just when that was almost reorganized…

Jungle Themed 40th Birthday Party
My 40th birthday party was just around the corner. Once again queue in extra weeks because moving the couch from the living room to the sewing room, then setting up party tables and such needs more hands than I have so I had to stick to another’s schedule once again. The party was a big highlight! I enjoyed it very much, everyone was happy, lots of catching up with friends, good food, laughter …

I am now slowly moving everything back to its right place – hopefully for the last time in a while. Because while all this was and is amazing – I am done with a chaotic apartment. And with not having a space for relaxed sewing. Soooo looking forward to getting back to that!


The pattern goals for 2022

  • Publish “Triangles” (planned for the first half of 2022)
  • Update all patters to matching typography, covers, style…
  • Publish another pattern in the second half
  • Publish “Tubes” as a special for newsletter subscribers
  • Host a sew along for pattern releases

How did I do with my pattern goals for 2022?
I did work on “Triangles” The block design is finished and I figured out an Illustrator problem for the template but I did not yet make much headway in terms of writing, though with fabric and size calculations done this should be doable, just need to find time and a clear headspace. I did not yet work on the other goals though I am additionally now considering if it makes sense to also translate my patterns into German…

The more crazy goals for 2022

  • Record a podcast with Quilt Karussell
  • Reduce fabric stash

How did I do with my crazy goals for 2022?
I did the German Quilt Karussell Podcast. The feedback was good so I am happy with dipping my foot into cold water ;) And I also wrote a guest blog post “Warum sind Quitls so teuer?” (Why do quilts cost so much?) that was not yet scheduled when I wrote my 2022 goals. A very good discussion! The fabric tracking is still ongoing and I am hopeful for a reduce by the end of the year. Currently I have a net positive because I didn’t sew much the last months and had a huge purchase just at the beginning of the hear.

The personal growth goals for 2022

  • Finally get back to a normal weight and get into a fitter state.

How did I do with my personal growth goals for 2022?
Can I get away with “no comment”? I had a moment here and there but I didn’t get to turning it around yet :(

I am looking forward to the rest of 2022. Hope you are all happy with your progress so far! And thanks to Yvonne for reminding us of our goals so we can take stock and maybe redirect energy.

Best wishes
xo Melanie

PS: The linky-party has already ended so I cannot link up. But I wanted to document and reflect anyways.


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