Spikes & Diamonds — Early Release Information

Spikes & Diamonds "Early Release Information" | mellmeyer.de

Woohoo! The Spikes & Diamonds pattern is done and just finishing its final spa treatment. It will be available in one week – next Sunday January 29th.

But let’s already start the release information. You can expect a blog post with a lot of mock-ups and diagrams explaining all the options when sewing your own Spikes & Diamonds version ;)

Design & Template

Spikes & Diamonds was born from the idea to design a block with triangles that cross over the imaginary middle line and thus bring the common triangle quilt block to a new and modern interpretation. The small and big, slightly wonky and randomly arranged triangles now sometimes intersect like teeth on a zipper. But don’t be fooled, they can also work very well in harmony and build beautiful diamond chains.

This pattern includes the Spikes & Diamonds template in two versions: Normal and mirrored. Both include cutting information for additional guidance.

From these, you can build the three layouts: “Spikes”, “Half-Diamonds”, and “Full-Diamonds”.

In the pattern included are also six different design explorations each:

But I came up with a few others when I was playing around and thought you might like some additional inspiration :)


And here are some from a totally different design concept. I just love how differently you can interpret this design – if I dare say so myself

But enough about Spikes, I am sure you can come up with other even more intriguing designs from here …


And here we have three extra options for the Half-Diamond layout.


Here are a few more of the Full-Diamonds in the “same” vibrant rainbow colors as the design explorations but in other arrangements.

And here are three more but with totally different color combinations and a twist to a dark background scheme.

Phew, that were a lot of pictures and ideas for one blog post! I guess your brain is buzzing now. So if you do need a moment – do look out the window, make a few movements and take a deep breath – but please come back after that and let me know if you already have an idea :)

I am sooo excited to see your versions!

Also, if you are itching to get started on coloring in your own version right now, you can already download the pre-order version of Spikes & Diamonds and directly get started with playing and planning.

It is already on SALE and you will receive the full file including instructions, templates etc. on release day, Sunday January 29th.

Reach out if you have any questions – in the comments here or also via email.

Best wishes
xo Melanie


  1. Dear Melanie,
    This pattern is sooo extraordinary that I had to buy it.
    I am totally excited to play with the colors.

    I wish you all the best with this pattern.

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