
Yvonne @ Quilting Jetgirl decided to do quarterly check-ins this year instead of only one at the half-year mark. I love the idea because it is easy to lose sight of one’s goals with all of life happening. So this is a great reminder, an opportunity to course correct, or even a chance to write new goals ;)

I will keep it short and only comment on the changes since the last check-in. So let’s dive in!


Goal Setting

The goals in strong print are my main goals, followed by secondary aka additional goals.

Tackle all the WIPs with a starting date before 2021.
Get the unwilling WIP list down to 3-6 projects
Reduce fabric stash
Continue habit tracking for daily sewingList item

How did I do with my sewing goals for 2023 so far?
With three finishes in Q3 I have almost compensated my QuiltCon shopping spree.

My project number is still sounding awfully high, even after all this effort, so I checked my old Finish Along posts. The last time I was in my goal range was in 2017! Then I almost instantly doubled my numbers. So I think with hopefully a few more projects to be finished in Q4 I am on an amazing track!

While I have commited to finishing projects, I have not made an effort for it to be the older ones. But I have one from 2019 that is a close contestant for a Q4 finish.

Publish “Spikes & Diamonds” (January 2023)
Publish another pattern in the second half
Update all patterns to matching style…
Publish a special for newsletter subscribers
Host a sew-along for pattern releases

How did I do with my pattern goals for 2023 so far?
I published my first German translation. It is not a new pattern but a pattern release. So I am counting this as accomplished ;) I am also currently running a Sew Along for this release.

Host another Advent Calendar Swap
Host another Blog Advent Calendar

How did I do with my additional goals for 2023 so far?
I did organize the Advent Calender Swap. I am still planning to do a Blog Advent Calendar but haven’t started on it yet. Getting a touch close.

Get back to a normal weight.
Get into a fitter state.

How did I do with my personal goals for 2023 so far?
I found some new motivation at the end of July and changed some more eating habits. I have since lost a bit more weight, for a total weight loss of ~19kg and am at the lowest point in four years. Whoohoo! I did try to incorporate more movement but it only worked for about three weeks. I think I still have a lot of mindset work to do on this.

I am still so happy with what I can accomplish when I set my mind to it.

So in Q4 I will focus most of my attention once again on my WIP reduction and weight loss path. I hope I can also write the Blog Advent Calendar. Anything else will be a nice bonus :)

Linking up at
#2023QuiltingQ3CheckIn @ Quilting Jetgirl


  1. Kathleen McCormick

    You have done very well this quarter. Publishing is hard and doing things ahead of schedule is even harder. Very nice progress on your personal goals! Good luck with the 4th Quarter!

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