WIP Wednesday: Snapshots 1

Sorry, for beeing so quiet over here. I have been starting a huge remodeling of my sewing room. Specifically reducing my closet space from 3,5 m to 1,5 m so I can fit in another table – my new sewing table. Thanks to my dad, I can now even sink in the machine. :) There is a tutorial on Blue Dinosaurs. We had some hicups building it, but the instructions were quite simple and helpful. And I love my new table. Still want to paint or spray paint it white but one step finished.

WIP Wednesday: Snapshots 1

And since I had some holidays the past two weeks, I managed to get some sewing done as well. I am up to date with the piecing of my Skill Builder BOM “Technicolor Galaxy” from Alyssa of Pile o’ Fabric. I still have not quilted it (it is a quilt as you go project) – maybe this long easter weekend – or I will have to finish that later on.

WIP Wednesday: Snapshots 1 | mell-meyer.de

And I am determined to finish the aviatrix quilt from Elisabeth Hartman from Oh, Fransson! sometime this year as well. I have not done a lot, but I am starting on border three (though border two is still just half finished) – well who cares – at least I am getting something done :)

WIP Wednesday: Snapshots 1


  1. Gorgeous Technicolor Galaxy! It’s nice to see some that aren’t all rainbow colors. I love my drop-in sewing machine table, and yours looks so lovely!

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