Progress Q1 and Proposed List of Finishes Q2

On my last blog post at the End of January, Ariadna had this great idea to use a step-by-step todo list so even when you are not finishing, you can see the progress.

I loved that idea and wrote a list at the beginning of March when there were still no finishes but progress. On the list were the 11 projects from my FAL list. Except Technicolor Galasy, all were specified with

  • (73) items like finish blocks, sew top together, baste, quilt, bind, take pictures, write a blog post and
  • (58) subitems like finish rows or blocks.

I finished 26 of those 131 items. Not including the ones that are started but not yet ready to be crossed off. This makes me feel way better than once again not beeing able to cross things off :)

Projects without Progress

Proposed List of Finishes "Technocolorgalaxy (Skill Builder BOM)" |
No. 1 – Technocolorgalaxy
(since Q3/2015)
Alison Glass "Ocean Waves" |
No. 2 – AG – Ocean Waves Quilt
(since Q2/2016)
Fabric Selection "Whirly Girl" |
No. 5 – Whirly Girl
(since Q3/2017)
"Good Wishes" |
No. 9 – “Good Wishes” Bee Quilt
(since Q3/2017)

No. 8 – Grete – A Wallet
(since Q2/2017)

Projects with Progress made


No. 12 – EADS Quilt

EADS Quilt |

I am up to date with all my bee blocks. But as I am the queen bee in both my groups in April, I started a new project. This will be a king size bed spread in a low volume color scheme.

My list has actually grown, but I am still very happy with my progress and pretty optimisic for the next quarter. I will try to keep a regular sewing time courtesy of the #30minssewingdaily challenge. You are still able to meet the giveaway requirements – join us!

Best wishes
xo Melanie

Linking up at Finish Along Q1 2018 @ She Can Quilt


  1. Ich denke. du machst das super. Alles, was ich dich machen sehe, ist wie ein Wirbelwind nähen. Aber die Liste, die kleine Fortschritte zeigt, ist eine prima Idee. =)

  2. I’m glad that having some kind of tracker / list is helping you :-)! Looking forward to seeing the progress on the projects, they all look amazing;

  3. Ahhh… that’s the perfect thing for you to make lists ; ) Making the list in the first place would overwhelm me and I would never get started, which is why I sew by the seat of my pants. Good to see that you are making some good progress!

  4. Die Liste ist eine klasse Idee!!!
    Deine Projekte gefallen mir sehr gut, ganz besonders der Pilz. Ich glaube da muss ich mich mal auf die Suche nach der Anleitung machen:-)))))
    LG Eva

  5. So eine Liste ist super und verschafft einem einen guten Überblick. Mich hält eine solche Liste auch davon ab, immer neue Projekte zu beginnen bevor die alten fertig sind… Aber trotzdem bin ich beim Anblick dieser vielen Sachen auf deiner Liste erst einmal erschrocken. Wow – viel Erfolg!
    LG, Sandra

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