
How time flies! Didn’t I just take my blog offline to get it up to date for the GDPR (German: DSGVO). But actually my last blogpost was already more than a month old when I did that. Now another two and a half months have past. I managed to stay a bit more up to date on Instagram but even there I am “off routine” and I really hope that I can finally get back to my #30minssewingdaily and more regular blogging.

So my first course of action in August is catching up. I desperately need to take stock and remember where I left each project.

Let’s start with the good things in my way too late version of: Progress Q2 and Proposed List of Finishes Q3


#patchworkforest Christmas Quilt

„Patchwork Forest“ Christmas Quilt |

Of course there is no blog post because of the blogging hiatus but I added it to the gallery. If you missed the Instagram pictures you can catch up here


Six Couch Pillows for Dad

Dad's Pillows |

Same as above, you can catch up in the Gallery here

Projects with Progress made

I plan to write more indepth posts about the progress of my main WIPs soon. Here is the short version.

"Technocolorgalaxy" |
No. 1 – Technocolorgalaxy
(since Q3/2015)

Totally changed track :)
Baby quilt sized, improv top finished.

"Ocean Waves" |
No. 2 – Ocean Waves Quilt
(since Q2/2016)

Quilt top finished
Currently at the longarm quilter.

"Nonconformist" |
No. 3 – “Nonconformist”
(since Q3/2017)

Quilting in progress.
About 20% done.

EADS Quilt |
No. 4 – EADS Quilt
(since Q2/2018)

Working on the blocks.
Last I checked, I had 45/165 blocks finished.

Projects without Progress

No. 10 – Grete – A Wallet
(since Q2/2017)


No. 11 – Four Patch Quilt

"Four Patch" |
"Four Patch" |
"Four Patch" |
"Four Patch" |

Somewhere in between I started a “new” project. Well, let’s be correct and specify that it is new to this list.

Actually it is one of my oldest projects ever. In the beginning of my quilting adventures, I intended to sew an Indian Orange Peel by Karen Stone. Gasp…

Well, I finished the big four patches and maybe one peel. Years later I decided to change track to just keep the four patches and make a lovely quilt out of those. Well they were way to big so I cut them and sewed more four patches. Settled on a layout idea … and this is it’s current state.

I am still trying to keep to my “no starting something new” rule though I am deeply tempted by at least two ideas. With two finishes last quarter and just one old-new addition, my list got shorter and the projects moved nicely ahead. I am happy with that. So I am staying optimistic and hopefull for this quarter. I will jump right in and finish a few :)

And then it should be ok to start something new, right?

Best wishes
xo Melanie


  1. That was a nice catch-up post!! Sometimes just getting the planning done is a big step ahead, isn’t it? It looks to me that you are doing progress since your last post! It also seems that you have very big projects going on, (I mean, they are not blocks of the month or small lap quilts, f. ex. the EADS Quilt looks huge!), so have you thought about setting intermediate goals? Like, this month, 5 blocks of this, % of quilting on that…? Breaking the projects into small, manageable weekly or monthly goals helps me to move forward and seeing actual progress that keeps me motivated (along with ticking boxes on the tracker, of course!). Good luck with this Q3 goals!

  2. Oh Melanie,
    I am thrilled that you are back to blogging. As much as I try to keep up with IG, I have realized it is not my thing. I feel like blogging is a commitment while IG is flirtation. And on that note, I van confidently say that the Christmas Quilt is truly a work of love and passion. It is beautiful and I am sure you are very happy with it.

  3. Lots of fun things going on there… I can’t wait to see the ocean waves quilt live! Get ready to pull that Whirly Girl quilt out again… it’s next on my list ; ) It looks like you are not doing so well on your “not start anything new” rule… I believe I saw a few ghosts floating aroung? hmm…. ; )

  4. Oh, that Christmas quilt!!! Perfection!!! I completely understand how the time can slip away from you… especially as I find myself fighting the same battle. So happy to see you (and your lovely work) back here!

  5. You have so many beautiful projects on the go that I’m not surprised you haven’t had time to blog! Your Christmas quilt is wonderful and I love all the fresh bright colours you’re using in your other projects. Good luck with making progress this month :)

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