“Sandbox” aka EADSscraps — Finished!

Sandbox | mellmeyer.de

No. 11 of my Finish Along List for Q4 is finished!

About a week ago I finished the binding on my EADSscraps quilt and asked for name ideas on Instagram. You all came up with amazing titles including “Not So Vanilla” and “Up and Down (the dunes)” and so you inspired the final title “Sandbox”.

I usually try to take my quilts to a worthy photo shooting and also love to include some Hamburg theme. Not so easy when autumn has come around; meaning lots of grey, mist and rain here in Hamburg. But today it was sunny – yeah! So out we went – my quilt and I – to hopefully manage some pictures before the weather decided to turn again.

Sandbox | mellmeyer.de
Sandbox | mellmeyer.de

The next big “sandbox” is a newly upgraded play area at a small lake about a mile from my home. It turned out, a lot of kids also liked the sun so it was a bit harder to get pictures. I am also astonished that the pictures have such different tones.

Note for future self: Photograph neutral quilts in front of color ;)

Sandbox | mellmeyer.de

So my favorites are the pictures of the quilt in front of the green at the lake :)

Sandbox | mellmeyer.de

If you look carefully, you can even see the two improv quilting rows in midst the straight lines. Yeah!

Sandbox | mellmeyer.de

And one last funny thing: My Mom noticed this a few weeks ago – not that I have not gone for a walk to and around that lake for quite a few times – there are palm trees in one of the gardens on route. She was wondering how they survive in our less then tropical weather…

I have a brown thumb and no clue but I will now always “see” them :)

Sandbox | mellmeyer.de

So while I go and check off my box for this WIP, let me know how you take quilt pictures and especially if you have ideas for the upcoming darker months.

Best wishes and stay well
xo Melanie

So far this quarter …

 On the FAL list (14)

 Finished Projects (1)

 Inbetween Finishes (0)

 New WIPs (0)


  1. What is EADS? I am not sure I have seen that before. Kudos to you on recuing those pale and creamy scraps and turning them into a bundle of softness. The photos against the deep green and the bright blue are really beautiful. Hope you are well and happy. Big Squishy Hugs!!!

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