Halloween Plaid-ish — Finished!

No. 6 of my Finish Along List for Q1 is finished!

Let’s finish of January a touch late. I finished the Halloween Plaid-ish quilt, when I found out that three days later, I would have a quilt holder – my Mom – and awesome snow weather – which is rare here. That was on January 6, the photo shooting was on Januar 9. So totally logical that I only now manage to write up this blog post, right?

We decided to go into the Boberger Dünen, a nature reserve of sand dunes in the middle of the city. It is a lovely area for a walk but in hindsight it was not the best location for quilt pictures because besides the walkways most areas are “fenced off” for preservation.

But we did get a few pictures and enjoyed about an hour in the lovely sunny snow.

Most of the pictures are “too bright” due to direct sunlight. It was lovely weather but a great photographer might know that it is not ideal for quilt pictures. Well, I decided not to care ;)

And the pictures I tried to take in the shade do look somewhat funky too…

This one at least shows off the fun, striped binding. And you might be able to see or rather guess that I took another go with the zig-zag stitching.

And here is the quilt back. Especiall on the black you can see my two quilting designs. I started with the improvized zig-zag. It went slow and was more strenous than I envisioned because of all the twisting and turning and the quilt size was a touch too big for this to be fun.

Continuing the zig-zag quilting on that scale felt daunting, so I decided to finish the quilt with straight lines. A relatively easy and fast way to finish this quilt. I plan to keep it for myself, so why not?

I enjoyed selecting fabrics, chain piecing the blocks and testing out a new to me wool batting. And for the pleasure of enjoying some TV time on my couch snuggled up under it, the quilt design itself is slightly redundant anyway ;)

As usual for all the (progress) pictures and all the information including details of the quilt cost & fabric calculations see the post in the gallery.

So here we have the first finish of 2024!

So far this quarter

On the FAL list (11)
Finished WIPs (1)
Halloween Plaidish
Extra Finishes (1)
New WIPs (0)


  1. It is a gorgeous finish, Mell. Love the bright colors against the stark white of the snow. Taking pictures is a challenge and taking good pictures requires a lot of coordination (time of the day/location), good luck (weather, rain, sun, breeze) and assistance (models, holder uppers, props). And you managed to take some beautiful pictures. I can see the texture and that is an accomplishment! Kudos to you.

  2. Dear Melanie,
    the quilt turned out beautifully. I particularly like the combination of warm colors and also the back and the edging. Happy you, it’s finished now! Congrats!

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