Charade — Finished!

No. 9 of my Finish Along List for Q4 is finished!

Here comes the last catch-up post for this year ;)

I started this Charade quilt with the sew-along in February. It is my most documented quilt this year – maybe ever. It is also the most liked project on my IG feed. But more on that in my Best of 2023 post. But that will have to wait till tomorrow. I leave to a friend for some raclette and a board games night as a birthday and New Year celebration soon ;)

But before, I managed to rearrange the living room to take the final pictures of this last finish of 2023.


I think the backing fabric photographs weirdly. It looks slightly psychedelic to me when there is a lot of it in the frame. It looks like more normal when there is just a portion of it in the photo. So if you do find that weird too, let me assure you that it looks good in real life and advise you to take in a more detailed shot to get a feeling for the print :)

Zig-Zag Binding

The quilting idea was copied from Mizzie (the pattern author) and her lovely sew-along version. Mine is still slightly less dense but was a bit of a commitment on the domestic machine. Though labor intense the walking foot quilting was also faster than anticipated. A bit of a paradox…

I am soooo in love with the texture!

Leftover blocks on the back is a treat – in my book, every time. But here I am always admiring the gradient beauty. Just so fond of that color shift!

As usual for all the (progress) pictures and all the information including details of the quilt cost & fabric calculations see the post in the gallery.

A quilt to celebrate 2023 and also a lot of opposites. A year when it felt harder than ever to take nice photos and a quilt with quite a few to prove this thesis also wrong. A fun and fast sew, but I also spent hours unpicking blocks – which I am not generally enjoying as most can probably agree. But still, I remember all of the process fondly. Might be because I took the unpicking with me to the pool and did it sitting in the shade enjoying the beautiful weather. I will sure keep this quilt! So many memories. And even a first with the zig-zag binding!

Haha, are you now scrolling back to take another look ;)

I hope you can remember some fun, enjoyable portions of 2023 while you await the new year. I wish you a fun New Year celebration however you choose to mark it. Have “a great slide over”!

So far this quarter

On the FAL list (11)
Finished WIPs (2)
Bright Side 1+2
Extra Finishes (2)
Dinosaur Pillow
“Small Finishes”
New WIPs (2)
Christmas Star Toss
Star Toss Baby

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