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Working Title: Timo’s Quilt
Started: 26th of October 2022
Due Date: 12th of November 2022
Completed: 21st of November 2022 but ready for gifting when baby’s father came back to work :)
Days till completion: 27
Pattern: Elephant Walk by Annie’s Quilt Designs
Technique: traditional piecing
Fabrics: 10 rose and pink fabrics for the hourglasses (QSTs) and elephants and a selection of low volume fabrics for the background. The elephant panel background is Kona Cotton Snow.
Fabric Designers: Violet Craft, Karen Lewis, Alison Glass (among others)
Quilting Design: organic waves
Binding: by machine
Size: 40×49 inches (101×124 cm)
Block Size: 4″ finished
Different Block Designs: 2 elephant sizes plus plain squares and hourglasses (QSTs)
Pieces: 210
Final post about this quilt: Elephant Walk – Finished!
You can find out more about my progress and process there.
Costs are calculated via my Quilt Price Calculator: Factors are the size & pieces as mentioned above, the presets for a baby quilt plus 6€ in extras (pattern).
Costs for Fabric:
Costs for Notions:
61.70 €
38.91 €
100.61 €
Sales Prices
Family & Friends:
Factor 2
201.22 €
Quilt Price:
Factor 3
301.83 €
Estimated Yardage
1.93 yd
1.73 yd
0.31 yd
3.98 yd