Bee Block No. 1 – Part II

Three weeks ago I showed you my first bee block. By now I have finished the second block as well as one extra block and they have hopefully arrived safely at the queen bee.

Here is a picture of all three blocks…
Bee Block No. 1 – Part II |

And the blocks No. 2 and No. 3 in detail…
Bee Block No. 1 – Part II |

Bee Block No. 1 – Part II |

Well, and the chaos at my working station afterwards…
Bee Block No. 1 – Part II |

Is your place as messy afterwards? Whilst working on a project my sewing room can get quite messy. But I have to clean it shortly after, otherwise my head will not get cleared for the next project. How are you cleaning up? Directly, after a finished project or step, x times a year…?

Linking up at WIP Wednesday @ Freshly Pieced und Let’s Bee Social #97 @ Sew Fresh Quilts


  1. Your feather blocks are gorgeous! I was looking at this block pattern today, thinking I would like to try it.
    I’m looking forward to checking out your blog.

  2. Your feathers are so brigt and colourful I’ve made some feathers of selvages last month, and they were so fun to make. My sewing space is always like yours when I’ve finished a project, and I try to clean up. It may last for a couple of days…

  3. I like your feather blocks, and yes, it is crazy how much stuff a person needs to get out to do a small project, let alone a big one,

  4. These look great – it’s fun to see each person’s interpretation of the same block. Yup, those are “Mell colors”… I’ve got my palette too!

  5. Pingback: Progress Q4 and Proposed List of Finishes Q1

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