Charity Quilt “Round No. 2”

This is one of the posts for my #2016FAL. I am really happy and proud that I finished in total three projects: (1)#RainbowMiniSwapR2 (2)“Round No. 2” (3) “From Outside In”. #YeahYeahYeah

I think that is the best I ever did in this Finish Along Series :)

Here is my second circle charity quilt “Round No. 2”. As quilt no. 1 it was started as a class project in 2013. The fabrics of both quilts are “one each” of the fabrics I had at the time I took the class. The purpose has not changed, it will be gifted to a neonatal hospital station. If you want to read a bit more about it, here is the link to the first circle quilt.

Charity Quilt No. 2 "Round No. 2"|

Charity Quilt No. 2 "Round No. 2"|

I used the same backing and binding fabrics as on the first quilt.

Charity Quilt No. 2 "Round No. 2"|

And the quilting is the same as well, organic wavy lines.

Linking up at
Sew cute Tuesday @ Blossom Heart Quilts and Finish Along 2016 @ She Can Quilt.

My original #2016FAL list for Q1 is here.


  1. Pingback: Charity Quilt “From Outside In”

  2. You really have quite a few fabric gems in this one. I love the scrappy look and feel of this one. A drunkard’s path quilt in any size really is an accomplishment – congrats!

  3. Your stash looks a lot like my stash – not the same but lots of overlaps and similar fabrics!
    I too donate to the neonatal unit. I donate tiny quilts to decorate the cribs. How do they use bigger ones like yours in your local hospital?

  4. Pingback: Progress Q1 and Proposed List of Finishes Q2

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