My Bee Blocks for May/June 2016 – Wanta Fanta

I am sooooo excited! I am “Queen Bee” for the coming month and I have picked the “Wanta Fanta” block. The free patterns is over here @ Blossom Heart Quilts including a pdf.

Although I would love to finish the quilt totally paper pieced. So I have prepared an additional pdf for the snowball block for you. You will need to print the page twice for each block. Remember to print at 100%!

As we are sewing on paper please remember to shorten your stiches to 1.2 or 1.5 depending on the machine – I do even feel the most comfortable with my machine at 1.0. The smaller the better – a lot easier to rip out the paper in my experience. Oh, and backstitch at start & stop points. Please leave the “main” paper in when you send me the blocks. Meaning you can rip out the paper in the seam allowances after connecting which makes it easier to connect the block segments to one another; but leave the main block paper in.

Because of the different technique I cut my pieces a little differently – my recommendations a little further down.

But first the big question: Which colors? I want to make the quilt in:

berry/ purple – pink red – orange – yellow

Emphasizing on the pink/red. So I would be really happy if you have enough pink/red in your stash to sew minimum half of the block with that and add the other colors (berry/purple – orange – yellow) just as additional pops of color :)

Here is all my fabric that would fit the description (no emphasis here).

Queen Bee "Fabric Selection" |

And as I find it hard to pick the right fabric, I pulled some Kona Color chips to show you what I mean, as well.

Queen Bee "Fabric Selection" |

And what I don’t mean – pastel colors:

Queen Bee "Fabric Selection" |

Oh, and as Allison and I have been playing around some weeks back, this was what I pulled from her stash: Top the Do’s- bottom the Don’ts

Queen Bee "Fabric Selection" |

My own stash mostly consists of fabrics with one color plus white/ black. I am in general not a great fan of mixed color fabrics. So for your blocks, I would prefer the mixed color fabrics only have colors of the spectrum from above – meaning without additional blue, green and so on. I am hoping this is not too much restriction and that you do have such fabrics. Feel free to send me an email or what’s app pic if you want to show me your selection first or have questions.

For the background please use a white or almost white solid of any brand. Just more white than cream, please!

Queen Bee "Fabric Selection" |

Queen Bee "Fabric Selection" |

And one suggestion for the X units. The first ones I sewed just inside the block, not crossing over into the seam allowance. The white triangles did then have floppy tails on the front. For me it worked better to start through the seam allowance, back stich right inside the block, sew through the block, back stitch right before the end of the block and then finish through the seam allowance. The front was a lot more manageable in my opinion.

Queen Bee "Fabric Selection" |

And this are my blocks :)

Queen Bee "Fabric Selection" |

Queen Bee "Fabric Selection" |

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