I love participating in the FAL and thank the hosts for the great opportunity to get motivated and stay on track! Q1 2016 was my best one so war. I finished three (!) quilts, and almost two sets of bee blocks. #YEAH
Here is my update: All changes and additions colored. And for my own sanity because otherwise I still get overwhelmed, I will from now on also declare priorities. I am glad with everything I work on, but maybe this will help some more.

“From Outside Inn”
The top for “From Outside Inn” is finished. The problem here is to find a background and binding fabric. As with No. 2 there is no specific recipient. I am still determined to use something from my “huge” stash as it is probably to become a charity quilt as well. #still-too-picky #undecided
Q4: Unfortunately no progress.
Q1: Finished! Now I just need to gift it. Click here for the blogpost.
“Round No. 2”
Those two quilts have once been pieced for a bigger quilting idea, but I don’t like them enough anymore to continue this. So I am rather going to arrange them in two baby quilts then being unfished and unwanted in my home. The first one is already finished. Click here for the blogpost.
Q4: The quilt No. 2 is now quilted. The binding yet to be finished.
Q1: Finished! Click here for the blogpost.
Rainbow Mini Swap Round 2
Still bumping around ideas and color combinations. I have already tried some but I am not sure about the final concept yet. The progress pictures will probably be on instagram till it’s received and I can write a real post. :)
This one is due 29th of February. So definitely a project for this quarter.
Q1: Finished! Click here for the blogpost.
1. Aviatrix Medallion
Q2: Finished the blocks for the third border.
Q3: Second border pieced and connected. And I made an appointment for quilting on a longarm. Deadline is now the 13. of December.
Q4: Finished the top AND quilted it on the longarm. Now I have to bury the threads and bind it. And figure out a hanging option/ sleeve. Click here for the blogpost.
Q1: Unfortunately no progress.
Priority: High!
2. Modern Four Patch
Supposed to become something different, I have now decided to change this unwanted project into a baby or toddler quilt. At the moment without an individual in mind – maybe to be a charity quilt. At the moment I have a lot of four patch blocks in kona cotton solids.
Q3: Changed my mind from disappearing four patch to a modern four patch like this idea. I didn’t like the proportions whilst simulation a disappearing four patch. Started the cutting for the smaller four patches.
Q4 + Q1: Unfortunately no progress.
Priority: Low.
3. Bee blocks
For motivational purposes and to keep track of priorities, I am keeping my bee blocks in this list, although they do not qualify for an official “Finish!” later :)
Q1: Finished the blocks for January/ February. No blog post – but I will “one day” put up a “bee block page”. The blocks for March/ April are almost finished. Post probably next week.
NEW: Test out the block I have chosen for my month, because I am up next: May/ June. And then finish some and post the instructions for my bee members. br>
Priority: High!
4. Technocolorgalaxy (Skill Builder BOM)
Q3: I have quilted some of my previous blocks and I did as well work on some more blocks. But the backlog is still huge.
Q4 + Q1: Unfortunately no progress.
Priority: Medium.
I would love to work on this one, too. But in reality it might just be too much. Though I am happy that Alyssa is finally feeling better and the baby boy is now here. So we have almost all the tutorials to finish this one. If I could catch up :) br>
5. Hopscotch
This quilt is for the baby of dear friends, it is really new in the making. We are still debating fabric and pattern.
Q1: They have decided on a a pattern, it will be Hopscotch by Camille Roskelley @ Thimble Blossoms. And they have picked the fabrics. I have already started cutting and am finished with the trapezoid shapes. The deadline is the end of May.
Priority: High!
6. Pinkish HSTs
This is a stack of different sized HSTs some only sewn, some already trimmed, some even put into blocks. Inspiration was this Pinterest picture from Rachel @ Snippets of Sweetness. I have no real plan here, if I ever had one I lost that paper :) Unusual for me but it’s a fun project to do some sewing on inbetween. br>
Priority: Low.
7. Alison Glass Quilt
This is a new quilt. I have just started to “complete” my pile of lovely Alison Glass fabrics. A real hardship to order more fabric #Cough
I want to do an ocean wave quilt. Still figuring out the color placement, but I have a fun idea with cool and warm fishes. I will have to draw that up first to see if it looks as I imagine :)
Priority: Medium.
Linking up at Finish Along 2016 @ She Can Quilt.
Good luck with all your projects!
Hmmm… seven projects to push you on ; ) Looking foward to seeing a few of those high priority projects get pulled out. Should I send you more video links?
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