#Prism Bee Blocks

Bee Blocks July/ August "Prism" | mell-meyer.de

Bee Blocks July/ August "Prism" | mell-meyer.de

In July and August Allison @ Campbell Soup Diary was queen bee for our Quilty Circle of Bees group. She chose the free foundation paper pieced pattern “Prism” by Zen Chic (Brigitte Heitland) that you can still download. Here you can find the initial bee block post.

Bee Blocks July/ August "Prism" | mell-meyer.de

I had the luck that Allison was at my place a bit before her bee months started, so she picked her favorite fabrics :) These are the blocks or better units I made. I did not connect the units into finished blocks as they are quite big and I think they will look a lot better mixed in – better fabric placement…

Bee Blocks July/ August "Prism" | mell-meyer.de

Bee Blocks July/ August "Prism" | mell-meyer.de

I actually had these finished for a while and might have been even the first to hand them over but forgot to post about them #ups. Now we have some new instructions and I remembered :)

Linking up at
Scraptastic Tuesday @ She Can Quilt
Let’s Bee Social #142 @ Sew Fresh Quilts
Sew cute Tuesday @ Young Texan Mama


  1. Would be a shame not to record these lovely blocks – great thing about bees is a monthly reminder! Thanks for linking up to #scraptastictuesday.

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