A New Tablerunner – Patterntesting #jeweledkaleidoscopequilt

sting #jeweledkaleidoscopequilt | mell-meyer.de

My friend Allison @ Campbell Soup Diary is releasing her first pattern tomorrow. She has made a really beautiful quilt and posted also about different color and design options I and 2. There are many more post about her pattern on her blog, so go check it out :) And there are quite some pictures already on instagram using the #jeweledkaleidoscopequilt

I am honored to be one of her pattern testers. I came up with the idea to use the block not for a mini quilt but a table runner. Of course in style for the season – so autumn colors it is.

Anyone knowing me, can guess that I am not really fond of appliqué. So I would have loved to go the easy way and do her version without the circles but I used it as to excercise; to stretch myself a bit. And I added some fun ideas here and there, hoping to give some additional ispiration to other pattern users. Here is what I came up with.

But some progress pictures first:

sting #jeweledkaleidoscopequilt | mell-meyer.de

sting #jeweledkaleidoscopequilt | mell-meyer.de

And then I struggled with the circle appliqué. What fabric(s) to uses? Did I want to “steal” this great idea? I played around with a lot of my fabrics but decided I wanted a more unique approach. Something I came up with myself and that worked great with the already used fabrics.

So why not use the scraps?

sting #jeweledkaleidoscopequilt | mell-meyer.de

sting #jeweledkaleidoscopequilt | mell-meyer.de

And why not quilt it with gold metallic thread?

sting #jeweledkaleidoscopequilt | mell-meyer.de

My autumn decoration includes quite some gold so I loved the idea of it for my tablerunner. I randomly quilted two of the kites of each block with the gold thread. I was a bit of a pain in the ass because it was handstitching thread and I used it on my machine anyway – no handsewing for me. So it broke often, the backside leaves much to be desired… But I love the look it gives the table runner and the back is on the table and hidden anyway, right?

A New Tablerunner - Patterntesting #jeweledkaleidoscopequilt | mell-meyer.de

sting #jeweledkaleidoscopequilt | mell-meyer.de

The pattern is very versatile as you can see on instagram and in her many blogposts. It is beginner friendly but still striking. And… the circle appliqué wasn’t as bad as feared, even though I had a quite hard “fabric” with lots of seams from patching it up. Just use her great video tutorial.

Linking up at
Scraptastic Tuesday @ She Can Quilt
Sew cute Tuesday @ Young Texan Mama

This is my first finish from my Q4 FAL list so I will link up there later.


  1. I love all the colours you have used in yours – perfect fr autumn. I debated doing a scrappy circle on mine, but decided it was too much hard work. Love the gold quilting too.

  2. Two minutes before midnight… Melanie-style, oder? this turned out really great, and you know that I like the bold colors. I hope the applique circles didn’t make you too grumpy… great idea to make them scrappy!

  3. Ich dachte auch grade: du magst kein Appliqué und dann machst du dir die Kreise scrappy? You like a challenge, heh? ;-) Sehr schön geworden, vor allem die Details machen es aus. Bin sehr verliebt in das goldene Quilting!!

  4. For someone who doesn’t love applique you made life hard for yourself but the result is a triumph! Congratulations on the finish and thank you for participating in the 2016FAL, on behalf of all the hosts!

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