Quilty Circle of Bees – Catch Up

Quilty Circle of Bee - September/ October "Improv Triangles" | mell-meyer.de

The last weeks of 2016 have been hectic. I was down with a cold twice and then the usual holiday fun. Including a last minute surprise mini baby quilt. As much as I wanted to join in the reviewing and planning linkups, it was just not doable. But I am intent on catching up.

First up are my blocks for the Quilty Circle of Bees. I forgot to post about my September/ October blocks for Yara @ Qvilted. She asked for colorful improv triangles. The main colors being yellow – orange – pink – red – purple with aqua accents. Her inspiration was coming from this and this.

I think it was the first time I ever tried something improv and it was fun but also a bit scary :) I hope she likes the colourful wonky explosion we sent her. The first layout draft looks very promising!

Quilty Circle of Bee - November/ December "Plenty of Fish" | mell-meyer.de

Next queen up was Vicky @ Veni Vidi Vicky with self-designed fish blocks. Yellow fish with black accents on blue big background pieces. They were easy in construction and the most fun was coming up with an accent pattern for the fish. Her layout draft from the instructions is really interesting and I am most interested to see how it will come together.

Quilty Circle of Bee - November/ December "Plenty of Fish" | mell-meyer.de

The latter beeing something I might have said about every bee block so far. And to me it is. Looking back on my first bee year two things are the most exciting to me: What block will they pick for their month? And how will all our bee blocks look together? What will the final layout, design be like?

So to have even more excitement and fun, I joined another bee :)

The #improvbee just started. And as with everything I am way behind on the organisational stuff but I will put up another bee page shortly. The concept is a little different. We already know the three block request for the first quarter. Now I am having fun with pumping around ideas.

Linking up at
Let’s Bee Social #158 @ Sew Fresh Quilts


  1. There have been so many nice blocks come out of our bee this year, and it will be fun when everyone gets their bee quilts together. Both sets turned out really nice.

    Wow, an improv bee… you’ve got more guts than me! Improv is not really my thing, as you very well know… I’m looking forward to seeing more!

  2. Pingback: Progress Q4 and Proposed List of Finishes Q1

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