Blog Posts

And last we had a finish. Wohoo!
Fabric Tracking
I am still sticking to my fabric buying diet. I am sure that will change next year when I get to travel to QuiltCon but so far, I am working from stash. And September had one finish: Tessellation. So the big net positive from the beginning of the year purchases is still going down.
Monthly Fabric Report “September”
The topic I am reading the most about – besides quilting – is minimalism. So I thought I will put my best reads from this month in here in case you are interested too :)
Personal Life
My biggest highlight of the last weeks has been that I am back on the loosing weight track. It all started with a nasty stomach bug – not fun – but I am happy to report that I am currently “off sweets”. And the scale has been cooperating. I have lost about 8 kilo. Though I am still not back to my pre covid weight but it is a very good start :))
A family highlight was the combined birthday party of my mom and sister. Always nice to get together. And I managed a surprise gift which was well received – icing on the cake, right?
I hope you enjoyed my recap of the month and the extra insides into what is happening over here.
Best wishes
xo Melanie
Your Tessellation Quilt is Quiltcon-worthy. I am not saying it just because I love you. It is absolutely drop-dead gorgeous. Love the gradation. Oh girl, you are on fire!!!