Best of 2022

Best of 2022 |

Once again Cheryl @meadowmistdesigns and Yvonne @quiltingyetgirl are hosting their end-of-year reviews. I am dividing my Best of 2022 and the #2023PlanningParty – same as last year.


Best Nine

This year I managed to create an automated best nine collage. On the left is what it looked like. It reminded me of that special phase with my Wonky Star quilt. It is rated in there four (!) times. The IG gods did like me then ;) And as already tradition I created My Own Nine shown on the right.

Best Nine |
Best Nine
My Own Nine |
My Own Nine

From those I picked my personal Top Five of 2022. Nothing specific like likes or finished status but just the five of those projects shown above that felt like they represented my 2022. They are in no specific order – I just used the arrangement from the graphic which was the most pleasing to look at ;) Well, in bottom to top order because my Top 1 is clearly Spikes. But see for yourself …

Best of 2022

If you want to see all my finishes hop over to the gallery.

I would not manage this many projects without all your tips, support and encouragement. I really appreciate every like and comment! Thanks for all your quilty love!

Want to know more about my goals for 2023? Check out the #2023planningparty post.

Best wishes
xo Melanie

Linking up at
Best of 2022 @ Meadow Mist Designs
2022 Jahresrückblicke


  1. So many fabulous fiishes, Mell. You should be so proud of your accomplishments in 2022. I love all your projects, but Tessellation is absolutely fantastic. Big squishy (virtual) hugs till we can exchange real ones. See you in a few weeks. So excited.

  2. Dear Mel,
    what beautiful quilts you have created. I am fascinated by the patterns and color combinations. They really put a spell on you. Don’t stop with it, I’m curious how things will continue for you in the new year. Many thanks for the link to the annual financial statements and reviews for 2022.
    I wish you a Happy New Year and all the best for you.

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