December Report

December Report Graphic |

I hope you all had a good start into the new year!

Is it really already the second week of January? Definitely time for a look back at December. Also, in case you didn’t see it on my Instagram: I have a fun Quilter Oracle up. Go check out your quilty future … I will wait for you…

Blog Posts


Due to my machine being in for service, I sewed on a machine from a friend. Which I am very thankful for because otherwise there would have been no progress at all. But it was still different. I was fighting with her a lot – the machine, not my friend ;) And I was only able to do FPP sections with a standard foot. I was sooooo missing my machine and my special feet.

I finally picked my machine up again shortly before Christmas and got to sew again in the days before New Year. I probably should have been working on one of my overdue projects, but I just wanted to be with her again and sew simple patchwork. At least that resulted in me finishing my Scrappy Pixel quilt top. Yeah! And January will be all about catching up on the overdue ones.

Fabric Tracking

I had no finishes in December and I ordered a bit more fabric for the Spikes quilt because I ran out of background. Apparently, my math was off… This would have meant leaving this year with a big net positive of +21.76 yards. But…

Correction “October”:
I totally forgot to fill in my destash. Uuups! I was amazed at how much I actually destashed. Added up it totaled more than 24 yards.

That completes a full year of tracking. Here is a pdf of all the months together.

And here is the link to the explanation & files again, in case you want to join me this year :)

Looking forward to seeing what my 2023 tracking will bring. A lot of projects from stash are in the works. A lot might also depend on how much fabric I bring back from Quilt Con in February ;)


The topic I am reading the most about – besides quilting – is minimalism. So I thought I will put my best reads from this month in here in case you are interested too :)

Personal Life

As with most of you, my December was filled with the holidays. I live directly in Hamburg but on the western side. My family lives in suburbs east. So while I do not live that far away, the back and forth does not make sense to me even with “just” 27km and a 45 minutes drive. So I always stay at my Mom’s. Christmas Eve is our main celebration. Followed by a second day of family time including my cousin’s family on Christmas Day.

We also went to church and watched my nephew in the nativity play. A tradition for those in kindergarten that will switch to school next year. School? Time flies!

The New Year celebration was pretty calm but very lovely. I visited a friend, we enjoyed Raclette, had a fun board games night, and enjoyed the fireworks.

PS: This is the tree at my Mom’s. It as become our tradition in the past years, that we trim it when I arrive the day before Christmas Eve. And yes, it is a real tree with real candles. And though she is not home much during the official Christmas days, it stays up till the 6th of January.

I hope you enjoyed my recap of the month and the extra insides into what is happening over here.

Best wishes
xo Melanie


  1. Yay for keeping up with your fabric accounting – and remembering to include your destash – that’s pretty major! Enjoyed hearing about your holidays and seeing your mom’s tree – candles are such an anomoly here in the US. Love them tho! And so glad your machine is back and you can continue to make good progress. I know that has to feel really good!

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