“Rainbow Fragments” – The All the Diagonals Rainbow Version

"Rainbow Fragments"- All the Diagonals Rainbow Version | mellmeyer.de

No. 5 of my Finish Along List for Q1 is finished!

After a week of sunshine we went out this Sunday to photograph my rainbow “All the Diagonals” version. With spring finally around the corner and things starting to bloom, I was hoping for cherry tree blossoms. Well, we found one cherry that was not in a front yard ;)

"Rainbow Fragments" - All the Diagonals Rainbow Version | mellmeyer.de

The apple trees unfortunately are not in flower yet, but maybe I have another quilt done by then?

"Rainbow Fragments" - All the Diagonals Rainbow Version | mellmeyer.de

We went into the “Altes Land”, an area of reclaimed marshland straddling parts of Lower Saxony and Hamburg. The region is situated downstream from Hamburg on the southwestern riverside of the Elbe. It is the biggest contiguous fruit-producing region in North Europe – extending over 143 sq km (55 sq mi). About 90% of the trees are apple with cherry, pear and plums mixed in.

"Rainbow Fragments" - All the Diagonals Rainbow Version | mellmeyer.de
"Rainbow Fragments" - All the Diagonals Rainbow Version | mellmeyer.de

It was fun to hunt for fruit orchard related photo backgrounds. A perfect find was the big wooden fruit box. A tiny bit bigger than the normal one you see at the farmers market ;)

"Rainbow Fragments" - All the Diagonals Rainbow Version | mellmeyer.de
"Rainbow Fragments" - All the Diagonals Rainbow Version | mellmeyer.de

Because of the bright sunlight it was hard to get “true colors” in the photographs. I think the following pictures shows the colors, including the details of the light grey with neon yellow background print as well as the quilting very nicely.

"Rainbow Fragments" - All the Diagonals Rainbow Version | mellmeyer.de

I am very happy to have another finish in the books for this quarter – because if you have been following me on Instagram, I am starting projects left, right and center at the moment. It felt very good to cross one off the todo list for a change ;)

If you want to see all the progress pictures or read more about fabrics, number of pieces or a quilt price calculation, hop over to the gallery page.

This quilt was the catalyst for the big All the Diagonals pattern upgrade. You can find ideas for other 12 color gradient mock-ups in this blog post.

Supporting Ukraine
I have decided to extend the donation period. Till the End of March 50% of all pattern sales will be donated to Unicef in support of Ukrainian refugees. I’ll let you know how much we managed to donate. Thank you in advance for your support!

Best wishes
xo Melanie

So far this quarter …

 On the FAL list (10)

 Finished Projects (2)
 Rainbow Fragments

 Inbetween Finishes (0)

 New WIPs (4)
 Bright Side One
 Patchwork Hearts
 Bright Side Two
 Pink-Yellow Speckled

Linking up at
Beauties Pageant 168 @ From Bolt To Beauty
Favorite Finish Monthly March @ Meadow Mist Designs
TGIFF (Thank Goodness It’s Finished Friday) @ Grace and Peace Quilting


  1. I love this quilt – so colorful. Saving the information in my quilt wish list and look forward to making one in the coming years. Thanks!

  2. Spectacular finish, Mell. Love everything about it from the gradation of colors to the striped binding. beautiful day for a photoshoot. Hope all is well with you and we can meet next year.

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