Progress Q4 and Proposed List of Finishes Q1

Projects Q1 2022 |
I posted my first Finish Along list in April 2015 when it was still a “big thing” and hosted on blogland. But even though it switched to @finishalong on Instagram and appears to have died out, I never looked back. I still post my WIP list here on the blog and in a short version on IG. For me it is a very necessary and thus awesome tool – to keep track, to stay motivated… to hopefully, finally reduce the – for me overwhelming – number of WIPs… Sometimes there are also prizes involved – though that is just a nice bonus :)


What I accomplished last quarter

WIP List

All my current projects

EADS Quilt |
No. 1 – EADS Quilt
(since Q2/2018)
"Good Wishes" |
No. 2 – “Good Wishes”
(since Q3/2017)
"Add Jewels" Meadowland No. 1 |
No. 3 – “Add Jewels”
All the Diagonals | mellmeyer.deNo. 4 – All the Diagonals

continued quilting

Rainbow Polygons |
No. 5 – Diagonals II
Chromosome |
No. 6 – Chromosome
Community Challenge for QuiltCon 2022
No. 7 – QuiltCon

finished – only needs documentation ;)

Tubes |
No. 8 – Tubes

top complete

No. 9 – Triangles
(not started)

block design finalized

Halloween Plaid-ish |
No. 10 – Plaid-ish

blocks finished

I am doing a happy dance. The WIP list number is finally going down.

I have other projects that I might start this quarter. A quilt coat for QuiltCon would be awesome. Though I have no idea if I can make that even happen. I have no clue whatsoever on how to sew clothes and it is getting pretty tight time wise. Also I might start a wall quilt for my sisters new appartment. But so far she has not decided…

I hope that whatever your goal was, that you reached it and are happy with your sewing. All the best for the next quarter.

Stay well,
xo Melanie

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