We have reached the final week!
I hope you had lots of fun and enjoyed making your All the Diagonals project. If you are already finished, go ahead a link-up so that you will have your chance to win one of the amazing prizes.
Otherwise use this week to catch-up – but remember to link-up your photo before next Sun!
This post is part of the All the Diagonals Sew Along! See all posts.
This week’s progress
I am still „fighting“ with my ipad on how to get at least a rudimentary amount of stuff done while my laptop is gone for repairs. Let‘s just say often times the frustration won, so I am not as far along on my All the Diagonals wall hanging as I had hoped.
I did quite a bit of sewing actually, what else to do without a computer to distract me? But my brain was just not cooperating. It wanted green. And I caved… You can see my Charade progress on IG ;)

But I finally made some headway on the All the Diagonals assembly. It is still not fully finished but getting there.
If you are like me and a bit behind. This will be your week to push through and finish. I am cheering for you!
A Huge Thank You To The Sponsors!
I will also throw one of my patterns and maybe even another homemade Charm Pack in the mix…
Show Us Your Beauty
You will need a picture of preferably your top – but all the blocks layed out also works – to have a chance to win one of the amazing prizes from the giveaway.
The link-up should be pretty easy, but if you have any trouble with it please don‘t hesitate to tag me in you IG post, send me a DM or simply an email with your link asking for help.
I am sooooooo excited to see your versions!
And best of luck ;)
Best wishes
xo Melanie
Wonderful! Well done ladies ;)