All the Diagonals — Week 6 — Finish Top

The prompt for this week is again to show off your sewing progress. Your goal is to sew the sashing and finish your top. But don‘t fret if you do not get the full thing done this week. While the Link-Up for your finished project will start next Saturday, you will have the full next week to catch-up too ;)

This post is part of the All the Diagonals Sew Along! See all posts.


This week’s progress

I had „one of those weeks“: Backpain and headache made for a bad start and then my laptop broke finishing up the week with really frustrating „news“. Thankfully I still had a warranty so I sent it in for repairs but it will be about 2-4 weeks. Can you please keep your fingers crossed that is the former? Thanks!

So I am behind schedule myself. I did get a bit of sewing in today and started my sashing but I am still ways from a finished top. But as you might be able to see, I did the rearranging for a horizontal layout. Small progress but still progress ;)


My Instagram Highlights

Here is one cool block set that we have not seen yet. Otherwise IG is either still hiding your posts or you forget to tag me? Please do remember to tag me directly @mellmeyer and leave a comment on the weekly Sew Along post. I looooooove to see your progress! And I am sure everyone else does too ;)

I hope you had a better week than I did and that you are enjoying your sewing and had lots of progress! Looking forward to seeing all your beautiful creations next weeks.

And just a small reminder: You will need a picture of preferably your top – but all the blocks layed out also works – to have a chance to win one of the amazing prizes from the giveaway.

A Huge Thank You To The Sponsors!

Make Modern
Six Month Subscription
Website | IG

Meadow Mist Design
Two PDF Pattern
Website | IG

I might also throw one of my patterns and maybe even another homemade Charm Pack in the mix…

See you next week!

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