Improv Quarter Log Cabin Blocks

Quilty Circle of Bees - January/ February 2017 "Improv Quarter Log Cabin" |

It’s the season for new bee block instructions. First up was Daniela from my #quiltycircleofbees group. She asked for blue, navy & mustard. The block design being the Improv Quarter Log Cabin block by A Quilters Table. So I picked some fabric and she approved the bottom row.

It was an easy and fun block to sew up. Though for me it was easier to work with wider (2.5”-3.0”) strips so I had more room to trim it wonky afterwards. And my analytical mind needed some visual help for inbetween size goals. So in case your minds workes the same way – here is the graphic I came up with.

Quilty Circle of Bees - January/ February 2017 "Improv Quarter Log Cabin" |

Actually I had so much fun sewing I finished four instead of two blocks :)

Quilty Circle of Bees - January/ February 2017 "Improv Quarter Log Cabin" |

Which was totally great when I started taking pictures and found out that number was quite nice to try out layout options. So here they come.

Quilty Circle of Bees - January/ February 2017 "Improv Quarter Log Cabin" | Quilty Circle of Bees - January/ February 2017 "Improv Quarter Log Cabin" | Quilty Circle of Bees - January/ February 2017 "Improv Quarter Log Cabin" | Quilty Circle of Bees - January/ February 2017 "Improv Quarter Log Cabin" | Quilty Circle of Bees - January/ February 2017 "Improv Quarter Log Cabin" |

So now I feel inspired to try this block for my charity quilts as well. I am considering it with two additional strips to come up with a quarter block of approx. 16” as my mini quilts tend to be ruffly 32 sq inches. If there weren’t the small problem that I just put those quilts on the backburner to get other quilts and projects done.

How come one always wants to work on the one project that is not on the agenda?

Best wishes
xo Melanie

Linking up at
Let’s Bee Social #163 @ Sew Fresh Quilts


  1. How nice to discover a new technique that you like enough to make another quilt from it. Your blocks certainly look attractive enough to tempt me.

  2. Tami Von Zalez

    Isn’t that how it goes? You have every good intention of working on X project, and before you know it you are working on Y project and X gets pushed to the back.
    I am inspired by the color combo on your wonky blocks.
    Popped by from Let’s Bee Social

  3. I absolutely love your blocks! I had so much fun unpacking them today! I was the exact same, I couldn’t stop sewing blocks and made more than I had intended, they’re so much fun! And I actually played with similar layouts as well! Endless variations! Thank you so much for being a busy bee!!

  4. What a great idea to create your graphic with approximate sizes. I think planned improv totally is an option and your blocks turned out awesome! Thanks for sharing a link to the tutorial…

  5. These are so very cool!!! I love the color palette as well… It feels very fresh and summery to me. :)

    And isn’t that the worst when you have projects that you want to work on but they aren’t on the list!? Story of my crafting life these days….

  6. I love this block so much that I am adding it to my list of quilts to be made. I will be using your graphic to make my blocks. It is so sweet of you to share it generously with the blogging/quilting community. You rock!!!

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