Donation #1 – Six Quilts to Give Love To Preterm Babies

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Yesterday I finally visited the neonatal station where I wanted to donate my mini charity quilts. This project has been in the works for a while. So I am really happy about the six quilts I handed over!

The first quilt was finished July ’15, followed by the second and third quilt both in April ’16. Then in July ’16 I decided to put the mini charity quilts on my Q3 FAL list saying

“This is a reeeeaaaaally crazy idea – but in case for whatever reason I succeed, I want it on here. I would love to make a charity quilt each month.”

Unfortunately it stayed without much progress. So in Q4 I decided to make it a priority and really dove into the task. Nonetheless I never finished those twelve quilts. But I finished three more and have four more lying around as work in progress – hopefully to be complete sometime soon.

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I already blogged about the quilts on the right but have not yet shown any pictures of my three new quilts from December ’16.

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Two are quite similar. I calculated the design because of this instagram inspiration by Meadow Mist Designs that I had pinned on pinterest. I later found out that she sells it as a pattern called Looking Glass.

The difference is the background fabric and the quilting design. Also the binding and backing fabric vary. The fabrics used are from Art Gallery’s lines Modernology and Rhapsodia. I still have a lot of these fabrics so future charity quilts will again include (a lot of) these fabrics.

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The third quilt design is a Modernized Disapearing Nine Patch tutorial by Kristy Daum @ St. Louis Folk Victorian. I have pinned and repinned a lot of different inspirations over the years so I definitely wanted to try this pattern out one day. And in the quilting design I played around with, is a modern, improv style quilting grid.

Isn’t the small size of these mini baby quilts a great size to play around with new ideas and designs? Or test materials?

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Donation #1 |

In my current Q1 FAL list I stated that I will refrain from more charity quilts besides finishing the started tops. Of course just after that pronouncement I wanted to work on charity quilts. It is so strange how our minds work sometimes. Anyways, I will not pressure myself with a quota that I have to fullfill. But I enjoy giving. So future errant blocks, older wips blocks, new playing around blocks and so on will still go into the charity quilt project. Just without a deadline or quotas :)

Best wishes
xo Melanie

Linking up at
Let’s Bee Social #164 @ Sew Fresh Quilts


  1. Die Decken sind ganz toll geworden und du bist wunderbar, dass du dir diese Arbeit machst, damit ein paar Kinder sich während ihrer Zeit im Krankenhaus hoffentlich wohlfühlen können. =)

  2. These are so beautiful!!! What an incredibly generous way to share some love with little ones. I adore how bright and fun they are, and I think I might need to add that circle pattern to my bucket list…. (ohhhh noooo….)

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