Summer Smoothie

I am still far behind on my #improvbee blocks for the second (and third) quarter, but I am trying to catch up. But first I finished my beeblocks for the Quilty Circle of Bees for Allison @ Campbell Soup Diary. For once I am really in front of a deadline. #yeah And with finishing these I am one project further down to start on the “real” projects from my FAL list.

I am so good with the timing because Allison picked her fabrics on a visit – as last year I might add. I love knowing that she will be pleased with the fabric choices and combinations and as those stacks were already lying around and the instructions blog post was up… Well, I had to start, right?

This is the fabric pull …

Quilty Circle of Bee - July/August "Summer Smoothie" |

… and here the first test block.

Quilty Circle of Bee - July/August "Summer Smoothie" |

After it turned out ok, I cut three more blocks…

Quilty Circle of Bee - July/August "Summer Smoothie" |

and here are all four of them finished.

Quilty Circle of Bee - July/August "Summer Smoothie" |

Yepp, more then the required two but in comparison to the #improvbee ones, they are easy peasy. And I love to add an extra one or two in whenever possible.

Have you managed to make some progress on your quilting projects?

Best wishes
xo Melanie

Linking up at
Let’s Bee Social #186 @ Sew Fresh Quilts


  1. I have enjoyed looking at some of your creations. They are all so bright and colorful. Very pleasing to the eye, for sure. I look forward to following your progress.

  2. These turned out great and they will mix in with the the others perfectly… not really sure which one is my favorite yet! Two thumbs up on the block with the castle LV… it’s all the same direction! ; )

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