Bee Quilt 2019 – Almost Finished

Bee Quilt 2019 |

Most often I write only about my WIPs in my Finish Along Lists or other goal setting posts. All the progress pictures get posted on Instagram and then I forget to write in between blog posts.

This quilt had so much progress over the last days and most importantly I want to show you in details the beautiful fabrics my bee mates added into the mix. So for once we have a progress post :)


16 Days of Sewing

When I last mentioned this project, I was working on the layout. Since then I have sewn the top, the backing, basted and quilted my 2019 Bee Quilt. Yeah!

I am rarely this fast :)

Here are a few of the pictures:


Gorgeousness by my Bee Mates

Bee Quilt 2019 |
I just love typography and icons. And that yellow fabric I think by Zen Chic ?!
Bee Quilt 2019 |
Those bats !!! Also the grids in blue with white and white with blue – and the detailed patterned one – I think a Carolyn Friedlander…
Bee Quilt 2019 |
Those floral prints. Mine are mostly graphic. I love these.
Bee Quilt 2019 |
The tree fabrics always reminds me of a tree of life. And the Carolyn Friedlander “grid-dots” …
Bee Quilt 2019 |
More typography and those gear wheels…
Bee Quilt 2019 |
Beautiful clouds, funky lady birds and more Zen Chic … especially the dark blue with blue dots :)

So a big thank you to all my lovely bee mates. For sewing the blocks with my fabric but also for supplying blocks with so many beautiful additions :)

After my musings at yesterday #saturdaynightcraftalong about how to proceed with the quilting, I decided to stick to the original “zig zag” plan even though it meant a bit of quilt wrangling at about 30°/90F. I might have been very sweaty :)

But I am very happy that I persevered and didn’t jump to a faster solution. I love how it turned out!

Now I “just” need to decide on binding and finish…

Best wishes
xo Melanie

So far this quarter …

 On the FAL list (12)

 Finished Projects (0)

 Inbetween Finishes (0)

 New WIPs (1)
 QuiltCon Charity Quilt

01.08.2019 Edit:
Here it is with finished binding. It still needs a glamour photo shooting but it is done :)

Bee Quilt 2019 |

Linking up at
Beauties Pageant 42 @ From Bolt to Beauty
Favorite Finish July @ Meadow Mist Design

PS: If you try to comment but have a problem. Please send me an email!
mail @ mellmeyer . de

I moved my website to a new provider and had problems in the beginning. They should be fixed. But if not, I need your feedback to know :)


  1. I love it! I also participate in a Bee and really enjoy getting everyone’s blocks in the mail. So fun!

  2. This is a really beautiful quilt Mel. Your bee mates did a great job with the white blue and yellow fabrics. Was you block request for any type of log cabin block?

  3. What a beautiful quilt! Not all bee-block quilts turn out so nicely! And I love all your wonderful photos. Take care, Mary.

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