Leafy Quilt Sew Along — Week 0 — Prep-Week

Leafy Quilt Sew Along | mellmeyer.de

I am so excited! We are all starting together on this amazing adventure called Leafy Quilt Sew Along :)

This week is really easy. It is more about getting your quilt vision ready than having a full schedule.

But I realized, that with my intent that this be “only” an information week, you will not have a prompt. So I reconsidered and will post my fabric selection already this week – see the end of the post – and all of you who want can join in :)


Do you have your pattern ready?

Of course the first thing you need, is the pattern.* If you haven’t bought your copy, please do so now :)

*This is the link to the pdf pattern. If you prefer a printed version, that should also be widely available in both online and local quilt shops. More details on her website.

If you are like me and bought the pdf version, you might also want to transfer that file to your iPad/tablet if you have one, so that you can easily check things later on.

Quilt Size

How big do you want your quilt?

There are two quilt sizes included in the pattern, called small quilt (56″ × 60″) and large quilt (72″ × 80″). But maybe your favorite quilt size is different. If you want to change the size by adding a row and/or column, now is the time to do your math and note down the changes including fabric needs for your personal version.

When I plan my own quilts I often start with my favorite German duvet size which is 155cm × 220cm (aka approx.: 61″ × 86″). So I will probably plan for a quilt the width of the small quilt but the length of the large quilt :)

That means I will add one row, which makes my block count changes to the following: 25 full blocks, 3 upper and 3 lower.

Everyone having finished a top of at least the small quilt size during the Sew Along can link up their picture at the final link up and be eligible for prizes.


Did you pick a color scheme yet?

These are the two versions of the pattern:

And I just love them both! Low volume background with mixed, interesting leaves or full color punch including the background with plain leaves … If you sometimes have decision fatigue (like me) than you better get started on picking your choice. So many options :)

And besides green I have been tempted to try an autumn version or just something plain different like petrol & pink. But I have decided: I will do a low volume background of just one fabric with green and pink leaves. This combination just makes be so happy!

And I have the fabrics in my stash – double win.


How do you stay organized?

In general I am organized by nature but sometimes … psssst. So I was wondering what we all could do to start in a neat fashion that will help us stay that way throughout.

Tip 1: Keep your project together in one box/container or basket
I use clear plastic boxes that I can stack in my shelf. But use whatever you have on hand.

But it helps if you keep it in one place whenever you switch to something else and so do not scatter it all over your sewing room!

Tip 2: Label your pieces
I love to label blocks when I have finalized the layout but can’t directly sew them together off the design wall. I simply print small squares with block number and row on it and then attach them with a pin to my block. This way I can store or transport them without worrying about messing it up and having to start all over.

So I thought, this idea might also work for block pieces. Here is the “Leafy Quilt – Pieces and Block Labels” file if you want to print some for yourself. First three pages are variations of the letter pieces – just print whichever you prefer. And I also added a page with squares for your blocks. In case you will mix and match your pieces, it might be nice to store them all labled, in a zip lock bag or clear sheets with that block number.

I know that there are plastic ones to buy (Fat Quarter Shop), but I prefer to pin them. Though you could also attach them with a clip.

Alternatively you could also use a sticker like from an address label or a post-it note.

Tip 3: Use Ziploc bags or clear sheets to store a set of pieces for one block
See file above for label squares. If you prefer to mark the bag with a sharpie, I have read, that you can remove the text with nail polish or rubbing alcohol to reuse it. No need to unnecessarily waste plastic.

On another note: I love to clean up my sewing space and maybe even finish a WIP before starting something new. So that could also be an inspiration for this week before we start to get into the full schedule.

If you follow me on Instagram, you already saw me starting to do this last week during my vacation. I got a big step ahead in finishing Wanta Fanta…

As mentioned above, I realized too late, that with “just” an information week, you would have no prompt. So I reconsidered and here is my fabric selection already. If you want to, you can join in and also share yours this week. If it fits better with your schedule next week, do it then.

Green And Pink

My fabric pull

I pulled green and pink fabrics from my stash. As most often with my fabric selection I am mixing a lot of designers and collections. There are a few favorites in there: Of course Alison Glass, but also Carolyn Friedlander, Lizzy House, Karen Lewis, Sassafras Lane and even some Tula Pink, and a print by Elizabeth Hartman, our pattern designer.

Leafy Quilt | mellmeyer.de
Lime to emerald green plus rose to berry pink fabrics for the leaves
Leafy Quilt | mellmeyer.de
selection of matching solids for the stems

And for the background I will use the low volume Alison Glass fabric that is also in the pictures :)

So, are you ready? What have you picked and which tasks are you still planning to do before next Sunday? Any other tips you want to add? I am looking forward to your comments!

And if you want to post your fabrics, remember to use the hashtag #leafyquiltsewalong. And tag me @mellmeyer if you want to. As we do not know each other yet, how about we add a few facts about ourselves. I will do so with my IG post, too.

Also if you haven’t yet signed up for the newsletter. Do it now, that way you can’t miss any new posts and information.

See you next week!

Best wishes
xo Melanie


  1. Looking forward to seeing your quilt grow! You know that for this pink and green fan that your fabric pull is a big win for me – good luck!

  2. First of all – who are you and what have you done to my Mell. You are just as organized, neat and detail-oriented as Mell so you may be able to fool others. But not me.
    She hates green and you are making this leafy quilt with so. much. green??? I am sure you have invaded her mind and body. I will believe it is still you, Mell if you can tell me the name of the treat we ate at the fair.

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