Leafy Quilt Sew Along — Week 4 — Third Set of Full Blocks

Leafy Quilt Sew Along | mellmeyer.de

Hope you are still enjoying this sew along…

The prompts are getting a touch boring, right? This week’s sewing task is yet again another set of Full Blocks. But if you are on schedule you should already have half of the Full Blocks done. Congratulations! Please do a small happy dance :)

Also with this week we are nearing the half way point…


This week’s progress

Here is my set of six blocks

Leafy Quilt | mellmeyer.de
Leafy Quilt | mellmeyer.de

I am totally in love!

Leafy Quilt | mellmeyer.de

Aren’t you also amazed by these small stems and how much a difference they make? And I am surprised over and over again that they are that easy :)

Oh, and did I tell you I am in love? Especially with all the different stem colors?

Leafy Quilt | mellmeyer.de

I was a bit worried at first, because one of my favorite fabrics was too short for the stems… well, I pieced it and used it anyway. Can you find it? It is almost invisible. So glad I did it – after that push we sometimes need from friends.

I have also started to look at options for my extra/leftover HSTs. I was considering a pillow, a falling leaves table runner… But I think I will try this HST block layout (the one on top that looks like a plus with a diamond in it) – not sure which size it will be so I will determine usage as pillow, mini baby quilt, potholder… later :)


My Instagram Highlights

It is getting harder and harder to just pick three posts to highlight. So make sure to follow the hashtag #leafyquiltsewalong on Instagram. Look around, like and comment!


Campbell Soup Diary

Also I want to give a shout out to our sponsors. They are the ones that make the prizes for you at the end of the Sew Along possible. This week’s short profile:

Sponsor Logo Campbell Soup Diary
The blog Campbell Soup Diary is run by Allison, an American expat living in Germany. You can also find her on Instagram. She is “obssesed” with starch appliqué and a real genius in making all kinds of intricate shapes and designs. Just look at the #chucknoharacsd to see her Chuck Nohara blocks done in starch appliqué…

She also designs her own patterns – a fusion of simple patchwork and – you guessed correctly – (starch) appliqué. If you have never heard of that technique you can hop over to her You Tube channel or read through her 10 best starch applique tips.

So, did you decide to sew extra, leftover HSTs? Do you already have a plan for them? Any great ideas to add?

Remember to post your progress with the hashtag #leafyquiltsewalong. And tag me @mellmeyer if you want to.

See you next week!

Best wishes
xo Melanie

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