Modern Tiles Sew Along — Week 2 — Sew ¼ of the Blocks

Modern Tiles Sew Along |

Let the sewing fun begin :)

Did you cut all your fabric or just a bit to get you started on the first block or two? I saw the first projects pop up on Instagram. So fun! I will link them further down…

The prompt for this week is of course to start sewing and take a pictures of your progress. Whether you work in blocks or sew all the units first… Just finish about a quarter!

This post is part of the Modern Tiles Sew Along! See all posts.


This week’s progress

Modern Tiles Sew Along |

I love to work in batches when I do FPP – chain piecing style – I decided to finish all FPP units for our second week in this Sew Along.

The goal ist to finish a ¼ of the blocks – or any equivalent in sewing. Do whatever makes the most sense for your sewing style! Work in blocks, in units…

Finishing all FPP units probably brought me a bit over that goal line, but as I am not the biggest fan of applique, I now have enough leeway for next week’s task – finishing the applique units. An appearingly smaller goal but as big for me as the other ;)

Modern Tiles Sew Along |


My Instagram Highlights

A few highlights from the #ModernTilesSewAlong on Instagram. Look around, like and comment!

Isn’t it awesome to see all the different ideas? I am amazed with all your creative pulls and concepts!


Make Modern

Also I want to give a shout out to our sponsors. They are the ones that make the prizes for you at the end of the Sew Along possible. This week’s short profile:

Make Modern is a digital magazine founded 2014 by three Australian quilters. The magazine is produced in Australia by a small team of passionate modern quilters with creative collaborators from all over the world. You can buy the magazine in a subscription but also as single issues or bundles.

Interested in a bit more: Head over to their About page, visit their Shop or their Instagram profile. You might already know the #makemodern hashtag :)

I will be looking out for your makes in the #ModernTilesSewAlong. And if you haven’t joined us yet, there is still time to jump in. We are just getting really started and there are two catch-up weeks planned in to leave no quilter behind.

Have you signed up for the newsletter yet? No? Do it now, that way you can’t miss any new posts and information.

See you next week!

Best wishes
xo Melanie

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