“Jungle Tiles”

"Jungle Tiles" | mellmeyer.de

No. 10 of my Finish Along List for Q3 is finished!

About two weeks ago I finished the Modern Tiles Sew Along quilt. And since then I was considering how to photograph it. Because of the jungle fabric I named it “Jungle Tiles”. But where to find a jungle in the middle of a metropolitan city? I considered the Tropical Aquarium but that felt like cheating… and overly expensive for “just” some pictures.

But then on Thursday we had one of those awesome late summer days – sunny all day long, blue skies and warm. And so of course I had to grab this opportunity. After an awful dentist appointment which is close to my Moms, I visited her and we decided to go for a walk – and picked the greenest path we could think of – around an old mill pond.

"Jungle Tiles" | mellmeyer.de

The front part is more open and with views over the lake, lots of ducks and of course benches to enjoy the sun & nature. The second half of the route goes through lots of trees, some brush and crosses the small stream that fills the lake.

"Jungle Tiles" | mellmeyer.de

I loved the wooden railing – almost as if we crossed the Amazon, right?!

"Jungle Tiles" | mellmeyer.de

"Jungle Tiles" | mellmeyer.de

"Jungle Tiles" | mellmeyer.de

For the quilt back I used a big scrap panel and three emerald greens.

"Jungle Tiles" | mellmeyer.de

And here is a close-up of the improv piece…

"Jungle Tiles" | mellmeyer.de

And a fun shot of the binding…

"Jungle Tiles" | mellmeyer.de

So happy to have this quilt finished! I love the design and colors and am very happy with the quilting. The backing is fun and I was very lucky to find enough scraps for the jungle binding.

If you want to see all the progress pictures or read more about fabrics, number of pieces or a quilt price calculation, hop over to the gallery page.

If you would like to make your own version of the Modern Tiles pattern, you can pick up a copy in the shop.

And I very much enjoyed the walk in the sun, soaking it in “one last time” before the next “Hamburg Grey” season comes around. And I so don’t want to think about how I am going to take pictures then… but that is a challenge for another day ;)

Best wishes
xo Melanie

So far this quarter …

 On the FAL list (12)

 Finished Projects (2)
 Little Kingdom
 “Jungle Tiles”

 Inbetween Finishes (0)

Linking up at
Beauties Pageant @ From Bolt To Beauty
Favorite Finish Monthly @ Meadow Mist Designs


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