Quilt Buzz Bingo 2021

Quilt Buzz Bingo 2021 | mellmeyer.de

Quilt Buzz Bingo 2021 is finished!

I started the quilt this quarter so it was not on my FAL list and counts as an “in between finish”. Quiet a big one for that!

Here are a few of the progress pictures:

Quilt Buzz Bingo 2021 | mellmeyer.de
pickinig fabrics and making the obligatory color code card
Quilt Buzz Bingo 2021 | mellmeyer.de
love these stacks of fresh cut pieces

The starting point for the fabric and color inspiration was the goal to use the red butterfly fabric. I then added yellow as a contrasting color, more red plus black and white. As I did not have big enough cuts for these fabrics, I pulled fabric groups aka different yellows, different whites… Isn’t the zebra fabric cute? I love it so much!

Quilt Buzz Bingo 2021 | mellmeyer.de
Quilt Buzz Bingo 2021 | mellmeyer.de

The binding idea was straight forward this time. I immediately knew I wanted to use my black and white stripe. It is truly great when things do turn out easy for once.

There were a few more progress pictures of course and if you want to see all of them, head over to the gallery or the Instagram #mellmeyer_quiltbingo.

So now that it is finished I wondered about naming it. It reminds me of the primary colors or Mondrian – both minus the blue. But nothing really creative came to mind and as I wanted it finished ASAP – even without a fancy photo shoot. The first is actually pretty common in my quilting space the second not so much;)

Quilt Buzz Bingo 2021 | mellmeyer.de

For the quilting I decided on an irregular/improv grid as I did on Charm Scrappy. The goal was to replicate the building blocks style of the modernized log cabin with the different squares and rectangles of the grid.

Quilt Buzz Bingo 2021 | mellmeyer.de

Quilt Buzz Bingo 2021 | mellmeyer.de

The backing is two big pieces of the butterfly fabric plus three solid rectangles forming a long vertical strip. Yellow taking up the most space along that line.

Another finish! Number three for this quarter – whohoo. I am doing a big happy dance over here!

I still have a “few” more WIPs stacked up in boxes and so hope to finish at least one other. Wish me luck ;)

I hope you are also sewing lots and enjoying the time at the machine or with the hand stitching needle on the couch. So whether you are indulging in new ideas or finishing up old things too: Happy sewing!

Best wishes
xo Melanie

So far this quarter …

 On the FAL list (12)

 Finished Projects (2)
 Little Kingdom
 “Jungle Tiles”

 Inbetween Finishes (1)
Quilt Buzz Bingo

 New WIPs (1)
 Blakely Quilt

Linking up at
Beauties Pageant @ From Bolt To Beauty


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