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Working Title: EADSscraps
Started: 25th of May 2020
Completed: 14th of October 2020
Days till completion: 143
Technique: improv piecing
I build slabs and then connected those to the quilt top.
Color Inspiration: As my EADS quilt I was inspired to do a low volume quilt by these (one, two) pins
Fabrics: mostly scraps from my EADS quilt. Then I added a few “darker” fabrics to give it a bit more interest in value.
Quilting Design: mostly straight lines; two rows/columns were quilted with an improv design that reminded me of those wonky HRTs.
Binding: by machine
Size: approx. 49 inches square (125 cm square)
Block Size: slab size was roughly 6 × 24″ aka my ruler size ;)
Final post about this quilt: „Sandbox“ aka EADSscraps — Finished!
I normally calculate the costs with my Quilt Price Calculator.
I was not sure, whether to do this for this quilt because – what should I put in for pieces and such, when this is really a scrap and improv quilt? I decided on putting in the size of 49 inches square with 16 pieces in the top (aka the slabs) and 1 piece for the back. And I deleted the option of offcut/waste percentage.
Of course the real quilt has a gazillion more pieces but this made sense to me as it should give a rough estimate of what I would have used for a more wholecloth, yardage quilt. And as usual the result surprised me so I included it here ;)
Costs for Fabric:
Costs for Notions:
60.93 €
32.91 €
93.84 €
Sales Prices
Family & Friends:
Factor 2
187.68 €
Quilt Price:
Factor 3
281.52 €