Pink HST Quilt

Pink HSTs Quilt |

This finish is not even on my Finish Along List for Q4

Actually this quilt was my only UFO. I have to fess up and confirm it was in a box for quite a while. This dormancy is why I pulled it out for the “Bye, bye UFO challenge” from the Modern Cologne Quilters. It is not my oldest WIP, but also not that far off.

Pink HSTs Quilt |

If you follow me on Instagram, you already know that I sewed and quilted like a crazy woman to get it finished for our small, company Christmas market.

2018 Christmas Market |

Here it is in my small booth. I am very proud to have finished it in time and I am really happy with how that booth and day turned out. Unfortunately my last minute attitude made it impossible to get the quilt to a good photoshoot. That is why the first two “whole” quilt pictures are heavily edited. At least I got to play around with a few apps :)

Pink HSTs Quilt |

The close ups where easier to take on short notice. Here you can see the straight line quilting I did approximately half an inch from the block and HST lines.

Pink HSTs Quilt |

And the black and white slanted, stripped binding and backing fabric. I had lots of fun trying to align those strips when piecing the binding and I am also very happy with my corners – now that Allison @campbellsoupdiary showed me how to make them beautiful.

Pink HSTs Quilt |

And a few folded/rolled up quilt pictures :)

Pink HSTs Quilt |

Here are the quilt stats: Approx. 54×84 inches (137×213 cm) with 504 pieces.
Of course I had to put these into my new Quilt Price Calculator:
179,18 € Materials
≈ 540 € Quilt Price

Now, if I could only come up with a (funny) quilt name :) Anyone of you want to help out? So far, I have heard “Miss Piggy” which I like but I am not totally sold. I came up with Candy Land and with Rose Pie… Quilt naming is really not my strong suit. Does every quilt need a name?!

Best wishes
xo Melanie

So far this quarter …

 New Projects (1)
 #plussquared (IG)

 Refound UFOs (1)
 Pink HST Quilt
 (also finished)

 On the FAL list (12)

Linking up at
Beauties Pageant @ From Bolt to Beauty
Let’s Bee Social #256 @ Sew Fresh Quilts


  1. It’s a beautiful quilt, I’m so glad you finished it. And your booth was very attractive, I would have definitely stopped for a look. Naming is a tricky thing, isn’t it? I look at all your text fabrics and the pink tones and the only thing that came to mind was a play on words, “Rose Read”, reminiscent of the story character, which may not translate very well from English anyway.

  2. Beautiful finish! As far as names here’s some suggestions: “Pretty in Pink”, “Perfectly Pink”, “Positively Pink”, “Think Pink”, “First Blush”.

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