The Tux Wallet

The Tux Wallet |

No. 8 of my Finish Along List for Q4 is finished!

Apparently sewing a wallet takes an eon. At least for me. This one is very close to twelve months. Who needs a year to finish something this small?! So as you can guess I am still not very fond of sewing small 3D projects and if they need hand stitches somewhere in between or as in this case at the end, it will take extra-long.

I am just very glad that my IT guy was more than relaxed about when I finish it. Or maybe I would have needed a hard deadline?

The Tux Wallet |

But I am happy with the finish. Which is the first one in this quarter! Even the outside zipper gets better every time. My own – the first – wallet had a slight “bump” here but with the newer wallets I seem to have figured it out.

The Tux Wallet |

This wallet is the small version – about 1.5 inches shorter than the normal one. Which means you can put only two slots for upright cards into each side. They fit the cards very generously so I guess the recipient will stack them up :)

I love the bright, yellow zipper popping out when you open it up. A great contrast to the calm, sedate grey.

The Tux Wallet |

And the next funky part is the small tuxes in the coin compartment! Aren’t they great?

Project Details:

This is wallet No. 3. If you are looking for the original one or the second version. Here you go…

If you are interested in sewing your own, you can find the pattern here. It is in German; no idea if it was ever translated to English.

The tuxes on the outside are a design called “Tux the Linux Penguin” from spoonflower printed on canvas. Unfortunately I can’t find it on the website anymore.

The small tuxes on the inside are this design also from spoonflower printed on normal cotton.

So let’s cross this first finished WIP in Q4 off the list! I have two more almost done – Leafy is only missing a label and Ocean Waves about a half yard of hand binding. I will get those done soon, after that it is the choice of the weather gods whether I will manage to photograph them this year :)

Best wishes
xo Melanie

So far this quarter …

 On the FAL list (12)

 Finished Projects (1)
 The Tux Wallet

 Inbetween Finishes (0)

 New WIPs (0)

Linking up at
Favorite Finish November @ Meadow Mist Design

I will link up with the 2019 Finish Along hosts


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